Think Links: Inspire Me

Some examples / ideas to get the juices flowing!

Pest Pirate

A game changer in the farming industry. Our patented batteries emit electric currents humanely kill 99.9% of all known pests and bacteria. Together with our solar powered fans, we’re the new pirates disrupting the agriculture world.

Think Links icebreaker game cards of a fan, pirate flag, battery
Think Links icebreaker game cards of a fan, pirate flag, battery

Marriage Proposals

Propose in style anywhere and anytime… you propose we and we’ll back you up with our beach slipper wearing ukulele band! We’re a click, phone call, tweet, whatsApp msg away!

Think Links icebreaker game cards of an ukulele, flip-flops, engagement ring
Think Links icebreaker game cards of an ukulele, flip-flops, engagement ring

Moon... The next frontier!

A space shuttle service to to the Moon. Each customer gets a special pair of moon shoes complete with built-in gravity and a bultin karaoeke mic to get the first no.1 in space!

Think Links icebreaker game cards of a show, maraoeke mic, spaceshuttle
Think Links icebreaker game cards of a trainer, karaoeke mic, space shuttle

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